'Haunted' mirror wakes up flatmates screaming with stabbing pains and …

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작성자 Retha Terrell
댓글 0건 조회 375회 작성일 25-02-03 18:57


Flatmates put 'haunted mirror' up for sale on Ebay after being dogged by bad luck, financial misery and illness since rescuing it from dumpster Painter Sotiris Charalambous says the mirror caused him to wake up screaming with 'stabbing pains' in the night Student Joseph Birch, 20, says 'glimpses of black darkness' have appeared in the antique Mirror, blamed for restless sleep and nightmares, has not reached reserve By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Published: 19:56 GMT, 18 February 2013 | Updated: 09:04 GMT, 19 February 2013 e-mail 610 View comments This is certainly one purchase where the buyer should beware. A couple of flatmates are hoping there will be a few brave souls left at the end as they auction a 'haunted' mirror mahjong which they claim has brought them nothing but misery.

Student Joseph Birch, 20, and painter Sotiris Charalambous, 34, acquired the antique mirror when their landlord put it in a skip outside their in Muswell Hill, London five months ago. But ever since then, the pair claim they have been brought nothing but bad luck, misery, financial problems and illness. Mr Charalambous says it has caused him to wake up screaming with 'stabbing pains' in the night. Spooky: Only the bravest bargain hunter should bid for this 'haunted' mirror because the current owner claims it has caused him to wake up screaming with stabbing pains in the middle of the night He said: 'The landlord said keep it, I don't want it.' Joseph, an art and design student, and his flatmate began seeing 'flickering shadows' and 'glimpses of black darkness' in the mirror and orbs of light in the room.

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But if that's the bad news, the good news is the mirror only has a few scratches and is not broken. They have placed the mirror on internet auction site eBay with a price of £100 but say it is 'only right' that a potential buyer knows about the problems it may bring. The flatmates have had a number of bids slightly below the reserve price so far. And one prospective buyer is even eyeing up the mirror as a gift for an ex. Sotiris said: 'I think someone could have been murdered in front of the mirror and that's why it has been haunting our house.

'I don't think it the mirror likes it since I painted it silver. I took it to an antique dealer who said it was worth £100 once and that's why we're asking for the price, but we would ideally like it to go to someone who has experience of the paranormal.


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