Answers about Jobs & Education

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작성자 Shelli
댓글 0건 조회 48회 작성일 25-02-20 08:15


A scientific journal is also commonly referred to as an academic journal or a research journal.

Journal of Historical Review was created in 1980.

Yes, the word journal is a common noun, A proper noun would be the name of a journal, for example, The Journal of the American Medical Association.

It is a journal that is published electronically.

Journal of Communications was created in 2006.

Many people keep a journal

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A person without any experience is often referred to as a novice, beginner, or someone who is inexperienced.

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A journal is ein Tagebuch.

Library Journal was created in 1876.

It is a journal that is published electronically.

The motto of Islamic University of Indonesia is 'Berilmu Amaliyah, Beramal Ilmiah'.

No, These two are different. Journal vochar is document through which journal Entries are made in books of accounts

The Daily News Journal was created in 1931.

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Jay's Journal has 192 pages.

Transportation Journal was created in 1961.

The Journal of Investing was created in 1992.

You just write in in your own journal.

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Any journal has to balance.

Anne Frank wrote in her journal while she was hiding with her family.

There are also questions to answer, and pictures. No, Winnie's Journal (also known as the Winnie Years Journal) is a journal that you can write in.

In interpretative sociology, there is more of an emphasis on the researcher attempting to understand the meaning of people's actions.

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The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Answers. Copyright ©2025 Infospace Holdings LLC, A System1 Company.

Korean Journal of Sociology was created in 1964.

Or for accounting it is a ledger book. A journal is a magazine.

A diary can also be called a journal.

Journal in spanish is diario.

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