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작성자 Kerry
댓글 0건 조회 23회 작성일 25-02-24 22:03


We like to have fun in this dystopian hellscape because, why the fuck not? We are living through tough times and nothing helps you escape like turning on your favorite album," said Rep. Sánchez. "Similar to many families and workers across the country, the coronavirus has also had an enormous impact on music makers. What are we asking our Senators and Elon Online Representatives for? Without this support, it is estimated that 90% of the Independent Live Music Venues in the United States will close. One Chicago impact report estimated that for every $1 spent on a ticket, $12 in economic activity was generated. Sánchez and Estes to develop the key provisions in the HITS Act," said Harvey Mason jr., Chair and Interim President/CEO of the Recording Academy. "The HITS Act will make a meaningful impact and help ease the financial burden for thousands of independent creators getting back on track, eager to share their creativity with the world.


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